Wednesday, July 13, 2011
The never ending charm of street food stalls..........

From Passion To Profession...........

After a journey from bus and auto i was well prepared to meet him. I rang him and told him about my location and was egger to listen that I am at the right spot. But no i still had to cover around 3km by foot. Throughout my walk, i had an imagination of a man in his late twenties. Finally after reaching the location which I thought was correct, once again I rang him and this time it was too much. Now I had gone around 1km ahead of his house. It was as if, but what to do I returned and finally was at my destination. A bit tired and to be very frank and honest little annoyed also.
To my surprise the guy standing to escort me was a boy in his early twenties, it was a macho man appreance. I went ahead and we got introduced to each other. He was no one other than the international fame India’s first ever recognized Freestyle Biker, 2nd runner up of 1st Bajaj Pulsar Mania Syed Adil Kazmi. It is a name sufficient within itself and is not restricted to any recognition. A lot to his fame and still very unsatisfied and waiting to achieve the maximum, this is what Syed Adil Kazmi is all about. He is talking about freestyle biking and his riding experience with Saket Narayan.
Tell me something about yourself, something what people should know about you?
Adil: What to tell about myself, what people wish to know about me…... I can’t guess….... (something about your schooling and starting days, I interrupted) Ok now I do have something. I have been grown up in Bhopal, had my schooling and bachelors here only. About my starting days, I started my free styling with my skeet board when I was 6 only. Then moved on to bicycle and started my freestyle riding on wheels. Finally at 13 I started my freestyle biking.
What attracted and inspired you the most about biking?
Adil: It was my elder brother and his bike stunts that attracted me the most. Since childhood I admired him on his bike and his stunting abilities. If it comes to inspiration then my elder brother Syed Adeel Kazmi is my inspiration.
How you decided to enter this field?
Adil: I started freestyle biking as my passion and craze. In beginning it was not like a profession to me. But gradually as people got aware about biking and its different riding style I decided to opt it as my career and establish myself as a freestyle rider.
What were the difficulties that came your way in this field?
Adil: When I was 13, I got my 1st bike which my brother left. I started my freestyle riding with it and it was Yamaha RXZ 135. In beginning I was not permitted by my parent for this and had to practice without let them knowing. Then when they came to know this my bike was sized. Finally I started to practice on my friend’s bike and in return taught them the techniques of free styling. Police was also a very big problem in my starting days. Even today after so much popularity they are really a serious problem and I have visited almost every police station of Bhopal (he said with a smile).
Which is your favorite bike on which you like to do your free styling?
Adil: I love Pulsar 220 and presently I perform on that only. For learners Pulsar 180 classic is good.
Till date what you consider as your biggest achievement?
Adil: No doubt my win in Pulsar Mania is a big achievement for me. But in 2007 when I came to know that I am rated as the best and top most freestyle biker of India, it was and is the biggest achievement for me.
Tell me something about your experience in MTV Pulsar Mania?
Adil: It was great experience for me, a full surprise package. It was not a free styling competition but a stunting one. Thus being a freestyle rider I could finish as 2nd runner only. There should be competition for freestyle biking also.
What exactly is the difference between freestyle, stunt, racing and motocross biking?
Adil: There is big difference in all these four style. We can say these are the four different streams of biking. Stunting is all about jumping over the buildings, hills, from train and mountain. Racing is concerned about speed. While motocrossing is the mud biking. And freestyle biking is the balancing of bike and acrobats done with bike.
You are known as “the Psychap”, from where you got this name?
Adil: (he smiled) It’s around four year back incident. As told that in starting days I had to practice without letting my parent know and I even did not had the bike. So I worked as a DJ only for the sake of my biking. I loved music and that also the hardest and the fastest music Psychedelic Trans. Thus gradually from there only my friends started to call me “the Psychap”.
You are running a stunt school, how you decided to start this?
Adil: When in starting days I use to lend my friend’s bike for practicing and then teach them some of the techniques, from there only my stunt school concept developed. Gradually I decided to open a school and train people. I even wanted to make awareness in them about freestyle biking.
Tell something about your school?
Adil: The stunt school is at Panchvati road and is named Bhopal Stunt School. It is the first and the only stunt school with all legal permission. We have a group called Bhopal Bikers Boys and we keep on performing and doing road shows. We have even done shows for AIDS awareness.
What is the future of biking in India?
Adil: If we talk about 2-3 years back, then biking was consider just as a talent of the riders and not a legal activity. But now the scenario has changed, people know about bike stunting and there is awareness in them regarding this. Today youth are ready to make their career in this field. Even groups are coming ahead for the upliftment of riders and to make bike stunting a legal activity. Bajaj Pulsar Mania contributed a lot in the popularity of bike riding and stunting. At present time bike stunting has become a career opportunity for the youngster and they are ready to convert their passion into profession.
Now you are a celebrity, how you fell when peoples pay attention to you especially girls?
Adil: (as he heard girls it was a smile from “the Psychap”) Yes once when you become celebrity it’s hard to be that common and live that simply. Today I can’t move around in market freely with my friends and enjoy the food at the stalls along the road side.
What are your future plans?
Adil: Not any such specific. Just want to keep on performing better and better each day and achieve the perfection. If it comes to championship then wish to win the American Championship of Freestyle biking and become the top freestyle biker of the world.
With this I came to the end of a very interesting and exciting freestyle talk with a freestyle biker. We had a warm smiling hand shake and a hug. Then finally I turned over to reach my place. The tiredness and the little annoyance that I had when I reached were all over. I was fully ready to cover the 3km by foot.
Monday, January 31, 2011
हाय रे ये नौकरी………..

मैने ये कभी नहीं सोचा था कि मैं भी कभी इस विषय पर लिखूंगा, परंतु क्या कहूं परिस्थिति भी इन्सान को क्या-क्या करने पर मजबूर कर देती है। आज मैं एक मैं बनकर नहीं बल्कि हम बनकर लिख रहा हूँ।
परिस्थिति यह है कि आज समय ऐसा आ चुका है कि हम सब एक ऐसी दहलीज पर खड़े हैं, जहाँ से बिल्कुल एक नई दुनिया की शुरुआत होती है। भाईसाहब मास्टर डिग्री पूरी होने वाली है और नौकरी की मार शुरू हो चुकी है। हर दिन एक नया तरीका ईजाद होता है हमारे दिमाग में नौकरी ढूंढना का। कोई अपना फील्ड चेंज कर रहा है तो कोई कुछ भी करने को तैयार है। कुछ पुराने रिश्तों को फिर से जिन्दा कर रहे हैं, तो कुछ लिंक बनाने का एक भी मौका गंवाने को तैयार नहीं है।
वैसे ये नौकरी की मार अब एक त्रासदी और माहमारी की तरह फैल चुकी है। हर जगह हर बैठक में चर्चा का मुद्दा बस एक ही है-क्या होगा हमारा यार, कैसे मिलेगी नौकरी पर इन सबके बीच में भी कुछ तीसमारखाँ हैं जो इस संवेदनशील बहस के बीच में खुद की शेखी बखाने से बाज नहीं आते और बातें तो ऐसी करते हैं जैसे कि मानो कि कितने सार ऑफर लेटर अभी से ही उनकी जेब में रखे पड़े हैं। क्या कहें हर जगह हर वैरायटी के नमूने होते है।
अब इसे नौकरी की मार का प्रकोप ही कहें ना कि लोग नौकरी ढूंढना छोड़कर खुद को इन्टरप्रयोनर या सरल शबदो में कहें तो खुद का बिजनेस करने जैसा बड़ा और भयावह फैसला ले रहे हैं। इस पूरे प्रकरण में मुझे अरे सॉरी हमें जो डॉयलॉग सबसे सही और सटीक लग रहा है वो थ्री इडियट का डॉयलॉग है- अगर दोस्त फेल कर जाए तो दुःख होता है, पर अगर दोस्त टॉप कर जाए तो ज्यादा दुःख होता है। पर ये दुःख ऐसा होता है कि इसे आप दिखा नहीं सकते। अब अगर दोस्त की नौकरी लग रही हो तो ऐसी कुछ परिस्थिति बन जाती है।
कुल मिलाकर बात बस यह है कि समय बहुत तेज रफ्तार से बीत रहा है और देखते-देखते कब यह बचे 5 महीन बीत जाएंगे और हम सबकी स्नातकत्तोर(सुनने में काफी भारी भरकम लगा ना, अब क्या करें कम से कम इन शब्दों का प्रयोग ही करके खुद को सांत्वना देते हैं कि इतनी भारी भरकम पढ़ाई तो की है हमने कम से कम) की पढ़ाई भी पूरी हो जाएगी, पर इन सबके बीच आज जो सबसे बड़ा प्रश्न है वह यह है कि क्या हमें नौकरी मिलेगी…? अंग्रेजी में कहें तो क्या हम सैटल कर पायेंगे…..? यह प्रश्न आज हमारे जीवन पर भी एक प्रश्नचिन्ह लगा रहे हैं और हमारे दिल और दिमाग से बस एक ही आवाज आ रही है- हाय रे ये नौकरी......
Saturday, October 9, 2010
मैं नक्सली हुँ......!!

आज नहीं पर काफी दिनों से मुझें ये सवाल परेशान कर रहा है कि क्युँ मैं नक्सली हुँ? मैं नहीं जानता पर ऐसा हैं। मैं सोचता हुँ क्या मैं एक नक्सली जन्मा था? पता नहीं पर मेरी माँ ने तो मुझे अपने जिगर के टुकड़े के तरह ही पाला और हमेशा अपने आँखों का तारा बना कर रखा तो क्युँ मैं आज एक नक्सली हुँ?
लोग मुझें नक्सली कहते हैं, परंतु मैने इसकी कोई शिक्षा नहीं ली हैं। आज मैं स्कूलों के भवन गिराता हुँ पर मेरे अध्यापको ने मुझें कभी ऐसी शिक्षा नहीं दी। मैनें भी अपने भविष्य के लिए सपना देखा था, परंतु आज मैं दूसरो के सपने उजाड़ता हुँ। मैं क्युँ एक नक्सली हुँ, कोई क्युँ नक्सली बनता हैं? मैं हमेशा ये सोचता हुँ की आखिर ऐसा क्युँ हैं और मैं निरतंर इन प्रश्नों के उत्तर ढुढ़ने का प्रयास करता हुँ। आज देश ही नहीं पूरा विश्व मुझे नक्सली कहता हैं, पर न कोई ये जानना चाहता हैं और न ही इस बारे में चर्चा करना चाहता हैं की आख़िर मैं और मुझ जैसे अनेक नक्सली क्युँ बने?
एक लड़ाई या युँ कहे विरोध करने का तरीका जिसे कानु सान्याल ने शुरु किया था, मैं उस लड़ाई का ही एक सिपाही हुँ। अब हुँ नहीं था, क्योकि अब मैं एक नक्सली हुँ। हाँ मैं बुरा हुँ पर क्या मैं अपने नेताओं और सिस्टम के आगे बोना नहीं लगता? मैं ये तर्क इस लिए नहीं दे रहा हुँ क्योंकि मुझें खुद को सही और दूसरों को गलत साबित करना है। मैं तो बस ये बताना चाहता हुँ की मुझ में और मेरे जैसे दूसरों में भी कोई बात हैं, बहुत कम लोग ही खुद से नक्सली बनते हैं ज्य़ादातर तो परिस्थिती के कारण मजबुरी में इस राह पर चलते हैं। मैं ये मानता हुँ कि मैं कमजोर हुँ, मुझ में सहन शक्ति कम हैं, मुझ में परिस्थिती से लड़ने की ताकत नहीं हैं इस लिए तो मैं नक्सली हुँ।
मेरी राय में............
मैंने इस विषय पर इस लिए नहीं लिखा की मैं नक्सलवाद का समर्थक हुँ या ये विचारधारा मुझें पसंद हैं। वैसे कोई विचारधारा सही और गलत नहीं होती हैं, हम उसके अनुशरण करने वाले उसे सही और गलत का स्वरुप देते हैं। मैंने तो इस विषय पर बस इस लिए लिखा क्योकि मुझे लगता हैं कि हमें एक बार इस पहलु पर भी सोचना चाहिए..........
Friday, October 8, 2010
For beautiful ladies…………..

Ladies and beauty tips are like two opposite polls of magnet, wherever they are, they will come closer and closer to each other. God knows for till date no scientist has found that there must be some special type of hormone in women for their beauty conscious nature.
Thinking of a topic to write which would be read by maximum people I decided to attract the beauty conscious gender and decided to write about the beauty tips for beautiful ladies. Now everyone will say that why have I written this for beautiful ladies only, then the reason is that every lady wish to look and be complimented beautiful. Now I need to talk some useful and related things to my subject. But before that let me clarify that I m not a professional, so before trying any tips do consult a beautician, or you will be solely responsible for the undesired and ugly outcome.
If the young ladies are facing the problem of loosening of skin then you must try Elovera Jel on your face. The girls considering themselves inferior because of dark complex and wish to become fair need to use Scrub regularly. Ladies small eyes can use this to give a big look to their eyes. These ladies need to use eyeliner on their eyelid and apply light color eye shadow on their eyelid. As tip is monsoon season then women getting ready for party should remember to apply waterproof make up. In this season light shade make up should be preferred. Ladies with oily skin should avoid using foundation in monsoon season, at this time they should go for compact powder. For the ladies with dry skin the tips are use nourishing cream or do masaj with pure Badam Oil. Girls with dark or black color of lips should make a paste of milk and kesar and apply it on their lips.
I think these many tips are sufficient for the time being. Now it’s your part of job to try it and make my effort worth successful. Hope these tips will prove to be beneficial for you all beautiful ladies at every corner of the earth, but sorry unfortunately the earth is round…………..
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Full Majority To Rajneeti

The movie very nicely, manifestly and minimally justify its theme and the dirty politics of the nation. As during the making and promotion of the movie only it was being discussed that the quality of actors that are picked for the movie have set its path to be a big hit. Prakash Jha known for his serious theme and exceptional work has once again stood very firm on his reputation and image.
As the name only suggest that the movie is based on politics is very true. But it’s not just the politics, the politics is molded in the form of modern Mahabharata. It is the story of a political family in which as the young generation comes into power there is fight for the hold of the making and then for the C.M of the state. Manoj Bajpaye the son of the president of the party wants to get the authority of the party. While on the other side Arjun Rampal cousin of Manoj Bajpaye wants his father to be projected as the C.M. in this fight of power Arjun Rampal’s father is killed. Thus from here the main politics starts and the younger brother of Arjun Rampal, Ranbeer Kapoor along with is maternal uncle Nana Patekar gets into politics. At the same time Manoj Bajpaye gets a great power support of Ajay Devgan, which makes the movie’s resemblance very prominent with Mahabharata. From here the real struggle and the fight for the power of dirty politics begins and goes to its extreme.
The character of Ajay Devgan is very similar to that of Karana of Mahabharata while Ranbeer’s character resembles to that of Arjun and Nana Patekar is casted as the Lord Krishana. There is no point of talking about the acting, each and every actor have justified their role. Katrina Kaif looks very breathtaking in the traditional look. The music of the movie is really very melodious and instrumental. The movie is all set to bang the cinema hall. The raj of Rajneeti will rule the box office. It is more than just worth seeing. It’s really an awesome movie and seems that there is full majority for Rajneeti.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Hard to fly for Kites

Come back of Hritik Roshan after two years, Barbara Mori, Rakesh Roshan, Anurag Basu, heavy promotion, little controversy and the ‘K’ factor even not seems to fulfill the intension of flying the kites high up in the sky. The movie has lots in it but everything seems to be incomplete.
As a work it’s good one, for we should appreciate anyone’s hard work and we all know that film making is really a hard job. But when we look at the banner of the film and see its director and producer name the work seems to be quite diminutive. The movie is not a triangular love story but quadrant one. In the movie Hritik is a poor dance teacher and one of his students Kangana loves him but he is not interested. When he comes to know that Kangana is the daughter of the richest and most powerful person of the city, he thinks he has got an opportunity to become rich and there the love story starts. The twist in the movie comes when Hritik is invited in Kangana’s brother’s (tony) engagement party and see Barbara the fiancée of tony. Now he feels that he has really fallen in love and Barbara also gets attracted towards him, finally just before the day of marriage they both run away and from here the movie starts. Then what happen is to be seen on the silver screen.
In the movie they have tried to do a lot but after seeing the movie it seems that they were actually confused. Anurag Basu and Rakesh Roshan had a bollywood concept and tried to give hollywood treatment. But they exactly did not knew which one to give an edge. The acting in the movie is good and as an actor Hritik has left an impression. Even Barbara, tony and Kangana with small role have impressed. The music of the film is also good and Hritik’s dance is awesome. But as a movie of Rakesh Roshan, Anurag Basu and Hritik Roshan fame, it is not as per the expectation of viewers, it seems that the movie is missing something and at the end it can only be said that it looks hard for kites to fly at the box office.