Friday, May 21, 2010

Hard to fly for Kites

Come back of Hritik Roshan after two years, Barbara Mori, Rakesh Roshan, Anurag Basu, heavy promotion, little controversy and the ‘K’ factor even not seems to fulfill the intension of flying the kites high up in the sky. The movie has lots in it but everything seems to be incomplete.

As a work it’s good one, for we should appreciate anyone’s hard work and we all know that film making is really a hard job. But when we look at the banner of the film and see its director and producer name the work seems to be quite diminutive. The movie is not a triangular love story but quadrant one. In the movie Hritik is a poor dance teacher and one of his students Kangana loves him but he is not interested. When he comes to know that Kangana is the daughter of the richest and most powerful person of the city, he thinks he has got an opportunity to become rich and there the love story starts. The twist in the movie comes when Hritik is invited in Kangana’s brother’s (tony) engagement party and see Barbara the fiancée of tony. Now he feels that he has really fallen in love and Barbara also gets attracted towards him, finally just before the day of marriage they both run away and from here the movie starts. Then what happen is to be seen on the silver screen.

In the movie they have tried to do a lot but after seeing the movie it seems that they were actually confused. Anurag Basu and Rakesh Roshan had a bollywood concept and tried to give hollywood treatment. But they exactly did not knew which one to give an edge. The acting in the movie is good and as an actor Hritik has left an impression. Even Barbara, tony and Kangana with small role have impressed. The music of the film is also good and Hritik’s dance is awesome. But as a movie of Rakesh Roshan, Anurag Basu and Hritik Roshan fame, it is not as per the expectation of viewers, it seems that the movie is missing something and at the end it can only be said that it looks hard for kites to fly at the box office.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

चर्चा विकलांगता के मापदंड की

भारत एक गणतंत्र राष्ट्र है। यहाँ के संविधान में हर एक देशवासी को अभिव्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता दी गई है। इसके तहत भारतीयों को चर्चा करना बहुत पसंद है या यूँ कहें कि ये अब हमारी आदत बन चुकी है। हम अपनी आदत से लाचार फिर एक नया मुद्दा ढूंढ चुके हैं चर्चा के लिए।
इस बार चर्चा का विषय बहुत अलग है। इस बार चर्चा हो रही है विकलांगो की विकलांगता पर। 2011 के विकलांगो की जनगणना के लिए किन-किन सवालों का चयन किया जाए, अभी चर्चा का विषय बना हुआ है। हाल ही में माननीय मानव संसाधन विकास मंत्री कपिल सिब्बल ने जब 2011 के विकलांगो के जनगणना की बात की तो बस हम भारतीयों को फिर एक नयी बहस का मुददा मिल गया। इस विषय पर चर्चा इस बात पर होने लगी की इन विकलांगो को अपनी विकलांगता साबित करने के लिए किन मापदंडों से गुजरना पड़ेगा। विकलांगो की विकलांगता पर सिर्फ हमारे देश में ही चर्चा नहीं हो रही है या होती है, यह एक सर्वव्यापी चर्चा का विषय है।
हम भारतीयो को सिर्फ विषय चाहिए और बस चर्चा शुरु। इस का प्रमाण बस इस बात से ही लगाया जा सकता है कि हम इस बात पर चर्चा कर रहे है कि विकलांगो को खुद को विकलांग साबित करने के लिए किन-किन सवालों का जवाब देना पड़ेगा। यह सवालों का प्रचलन 2001 की जनगणना से शुरु हुआ और इस जनगणना के बाद भारत में 2.5% विकलांग पाये गए। उस समय इस बात की आलोचना की गई कि यह तथ्य बहुत कम है। अब आप ही सोचिये कि हम भारतीय चर्चा के कितने बड़े दीवाने हैं कि इस बात पर भी चर्चा करने लगे। परंतु असली चर्चा तो इस समय हो रही है कि हम किन सवालों को पूछ कर यह तय करेंगे की कौन व्यक्ति विकलांग है और कौन नहीं।
विभिन्न एन.जी.ओ में इस बात पर चर्चा काफी तेज हो चुकी है। हर एन.जी.ओ का खुद का अपना मापदण्ड है। ये सारे संस्थान अपने खुद की अलग-अलग प्रश्नावली ले कर तैयार हैं। इन सब एन.जी.ओ के नजर में उनके खुद के प्रश्न बिल्कुल सही और सर्वश्रेष्ठ हैं। ये सब विकलांगो और उनके समस्या के बारे में नही सोच रहे है, परंतु सिर्फ अपनी सर्वश्रेष्ठता के बारे में सोच रहे हैं। ये तो पता नही की विकलांगो को कौन सी प्रश्नावली का उत्तर देना पड़ेगा? परंतु ये तो साफ है और होता भी जा रहा है कि हम भारतीयों को चर्चा करने में बहुत मज़ा आता है, बस हमें एक विषय नही मिला की हम शुरु हो गए।

Hang him till death………….

To you it will sound like a film’s dialogue but it is real that an Indian cannot resist two things first to lose a cricket match and second much more important one attack on the country. This statement was again proved to be true when on Thursday 6th may Azmal Amir Kasab accused for 26/11 Mumbai terrorist attack was ordered death sentence.
The craze among the countrymen regarding the decision of the case and the celebration done after the decision is the example of this fact. No doubt this shows the patriotism of the people towards the nation and it is very obvious also. The Indians are always and all over the world are known for their patriotism. The decision making in this case also set a record for the fastest hearing of any case in the country. In the case whole nation was involved and it was a much-much awaited decision to be made by the court. Altogether it is really good to get a decision so quickly and also when the interest of whole country is connected to it.
But isn’t it like punishing the puppet of the show. Even today we don’t have the real culprit and the main planner of the incident in our custody. We are celebrating the death sentence of Kasab to what extent it is correct and even the way we are reacting on this decision, do it make any sense? If we thing for a minute then we will realize that what exactly we are doing. We are rejoicing a death sentence. No doubt he is the culprit and he should be punished but to celebrate it and also in such a way is correct by no means. This decision is the first step of our victory we still have to go a long distance. We have to reach till the main culprit, it is just a beginning.
If we really want to pay homage to the people who died in the 26/11 Mumbai terrorist attack then we need to continue our work on this case. We should not stop till the end, till when the main culprit of the case is in our custody. Till then no doubt it is a big achievement to give death sentence for Kasab but along with this we even need to control our emotion and way of expression and celebration. With the hanging of Azmal Amir Kasab till death, we should also not hang our human nature and our humanity which makes us different from them.